Prof. (Dr.) Sunita Mishra
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
Department Profile
Department of Physics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur was established in 1964. The department offers postgraduate and undergraduate courses in physics and has several active research groups. Many students graduated from this department are in eminent positions in education, research and industry. The department also offers doctoral programme in Physics, leading to Ph.D degree. The major areas of research conducted in the department include Atomic and nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics, Ionospheric and Atmospheric Physics, Material Science and Astrophysics. The department has been identified by University Grants Commission (UGC) under DSA with thrust areas as Hyperfine Interactions, X-ray scattering, Atmospheric and Astro Physics. The Department is under the DST-FIST program and was also supported by the UGC COSIST program. Research programs in each group is also getting research support under research projects from central agencies like UGC, DST, DRDO, ISRO, etc. During last five years, 15 research projects have been executed worth Rs. 779 lakhs (received from UGC, DST, DRS, DSA, SAP, FIST, SERB, RUSA, etc.) and 235 papers have been published in noteworthy journals, which received good audience across the globe. Faculty members also have active collaborations with other universities and institutions within and outside the country.
The department of physics is also playing a vital role in promoting teaching and research in interdisciplinary areas of physics, electronics, information technology, life sciences and geology. The M. Sc.(Electronics) and M. Sc.(Information Technology) courses are offered by the department mainly to strengthen research in the interdisciplinary area of physics, communication and computational sciences. Studies of minerals from Aravalli region, X-ray diffraction studies in biological samples, synthesis of organic and inorganic crystals and studies of environmental samples are also undertaken by the department to promote interface of physics with geological, biological, chemical and environmental sciences.
The department of physics is actively involved in the development of infrastructure for the campus. The UGC IMF facilities, UGC Infonet facilities, computer centre, computerization and communication facilities for the campus, SUNET, the campus network of the University, Internet and Intranet facilities etc. are result of the combined effort and team work of the faculty members of the department.
Notifications & Circulars
Mohanlal Sukhadia University
Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan, India
EPABX: 0294-2470918/ 2471035/ 2471969
E-mail: registrar@mlsu.ac.in
Last Updated on : 08/02/25
Visitors : 0035344743